
Founded in 1995 by Sven Tumba, one of the most prominent sports icons throughout time, representing Sweden in ice-hockey, soccer, as well as golf. Tournament Patron Arnold Palmer was a supporter for over a decade. Annika Sörenstam took over as Hon. Chairman of the Advisory Board after the sad passing of Seve Ballesteros.

It’s now the world’s largest amateur golf championship with national championships in over 40 countries. Designed to give all amateur golfers the thrill & prestige of representing their nation in a global championship against players of similar skill level.

Complies with USGA & R&A amateur rules. The Invitational is a separate tournament that gives golfers the opportunity to share in the exciting “WGC experience” of a world-wide tour-like championship event, without first having to qualify.

The Invitational caters to business executives, celebrities, VIP clients, sponsors, national organizers and golf enthusiasts.

The world final is held at great resorts (such as renowned 5-star resorts) and played at some of the best courses in the host nation.

Format & Rules

The World Amateur Golfers Championship qualifications for Team Switzerland are played over 3 days at the Golf Club Patriziale Ascona. Each day is played over 18 holes.
The format of play is stroke play modified + 4 over the par. All players are to compete in their respective handicap group at 06/08/2024. Winning in every category is based on lowest nett scores.
All Men will play from Yellow teeing areas. All Women will play from the Red teeing areas.
During the rounds a player may obtain distance – only information by using an electronic distance – measuring device. Any other form of support is not admitted, such as devices that give information other than distance.
All player that have a valid HCP INDEX, member of any worldwide Golf Federation, can subscribe to the qualifying tournament to represent Switzerland at the World Final.  All qualified participants for the international final must be 17 years old and above up to 20/10/2024.
For winners who are under 18 as of this date, he or she must be accompanied by a parent as a WAGI.
WAGI Slot has to be paid by each parent separately as well as costs for flight and Hotel transport
No exception will be admitted.
- The tournament committee will decide the starting time and groupings and reserve the absolute right to alter the schedule of play as deemed fit.
- The draws will be posted at the notice board and WAGC Mobile Apps
- Penalty for lateness beyond five minutes is DISQUALIFICATION for the single round but will not disqualify the player for the next rounds.
The winner of each category will be decided by stroke play over three rounds of 18 holes. If the results are the same after all 3 tournament days, a selection of holes will be made based on the level of difficulty (net taking into account the proportional handicap). First, the nine holes with the handicap distribution keys 1, 18, 3, 16, 5, 14, 7, 12, 9 are selected.  If the results are still the same, the six holes with the handicap distribution keys 1, 18, 3, 16, 5, 14 decide, then three holes with the handicap distribution keys 1, 18, 3 and, if there is another tie, at the end the hole with the handicap distribution 1. “
All players have to supply WAGC Switzerland admin with a signed document representative of their handicap, prior to competing.
The categories are divided per handicap:
Category 1:  0 – 5.5
Category 2: 5,6 – 10.5
Category 3: 10.6 – 15.5
Category 4: 15.6 – 20.5
Category 5: 20.6 – 25.5
Players entering the tournament with handicap over 25.5 will play with the highest handicap of the last group.
The maximum score that a player can mark on any hole during the tournament is par +4.
In other words, if you are four over par on any hole, you can pick up the ball and write the maximum score as shown: Par 3 = 7 strokes, Par 4 = 8 strokes par 5 = 9 strokes.
In the event on players withdrawal during a round, a maximum score will be imposed on their remaining holes.
The following are considered serious breach of Standards of Player Conduct
- Deliberately moving tee- markers
- Deliberately distracting other players while they are making a stroke
- Use of hand phone which cause annoyance to other players
- Verbal abuse to other players, officials or staff
- Any other breaches not listed above but deemed to be serious by the Committee
A player’s scorecard is officially returned to the Committee when he/she has left the recording area with both feet. All the scorecards have to be controlled with the live scoring app before leaving the recording area.
If a player is DISQUALIFIED during a round, a maximum score will be applied to each hole.
The player may compete in subsequent rounds if The Committee grants it.
Avoid slow play by playing ready golf. Ready golf does not mean rushing. If you are ready to play and it is safe to do so without distracting another player, please play your shot.
Players must not make use of any drug to enhance performance. Should a player show evidence of use of drug for non – therapeutic purposes, the committee may require the player to undergo a drug test.
The organizer, the Tournament Committee, the Golf Club and their staff will not be responsible for any loss, damage or harm, or any form of injuries that the participants may suffer as a result of their participation in this tournament.
The following signals will be used to suspend and resume the game:
Immediate Stop: one prolonged note of siren MUST stop play immediately. Penalty for breach: DISQUALIFICATION
Normal Stop: Three consecutive notes of siren.
Resume play: Two short notes of siren.
The Tournament Committee reserves the right to suspend, abandon play or cancel a round if inclement weather makes it such that it is impractical to continue with the game.
If a round of 18 holes on any given day is CANCELLED due to whatever reason (inclement weather or darkness), there will be no tournament results for that round, regardless of the number of players who were able to complete their rounds earlier in the day at the venue.
A round is deemed cancelled if any player is unable to complete their round within the same day. Any holes not completed will NOT be continued on the following day.
The tournament will be considered valid even if, for any reasons, it won’t be possible to complete all the three rounds.
Participants may be filmed and photographed during the Tournament. By signing the entry form, participants agree to be filmed, photographed, or otherwise recorded during the tournament, and the captured or recorded image, together with the name, may be used in any content, format through any media or technology whether now existing or created in the future, by the organizing committee, and third parties authorized by the organizing committee during or after the tournament, in perpetuity in relation to the celebration and promotion of the game of golf.
Referee and director will be designated by the Tournament Committee, before the beginning of the competition. Every appeal or complaint regarding the tournament must be submitted within 30 minutes of disputed facts.
The tournament is deemed closed as soon as the first of the prizes has been presented.
The Tournament Committee has the right to make any changes to the rules if it seems necessary for the correct running of the tournament.



Players in both the Champion­ship and the Invitational compete for individual titles within each flight, as well as a team title.


The Championship Team Com­petition combines the best four scores (of five) per day from the national team whereas the Invitational counts the combined total score of both team members.


In order to participate in the world final you must be at least 17 years of age before the championship starts (and must be accompanied by a parent if under 18).


All Partners/ team managers/captains supply WAGC with a signed document listing their five championship players and the handicaps of the players on qualification. This signed document must be countersigned by a representative of the home country amateur golf union. This document must be sent to WAGC (admin@worldgolfers.com) prior to competing.




*Countries that do not supply this completed document would be required to start the championship off the minimum allowable handicap in each flight. Handicap 0 – 5.4, without paperwork means you start at 0.



The Championship is played in five handicap flights and the Invitational in six handicap flights, each played separately.

All WAGC players compete in the handicap flights they qualified into and most will play with their exact handicaps, with the following exceptions:

  • Players entering the world final with higher handicaps than the flights they qualified into will play with the highest handicap for their flight.
  • Players who enter the world final with lower handicaps than the flights into which they qualified will play with their current handicaps, even though they are lower then the flight. 


Equitable Stroke Control sets a maximum number of strokes that a player can post on any hole during the tournament to par +4.

In other words: If you are five over par on a hole, you pick up the ball and write the maximum strokes as shown here:



Par 3 = 7 strokes, Par 4 = 8 strokes, Par 5 = 9 strokes



To cope with the varying handicap rules from around the world handicap adjustments are made after each round. This balances the scores and gives a fair game under equal conditions.

The adjustment is based on the world handicap system.



For over two decades World Amateur Golfers Championship has grown to become the worlds largest amateur golf championship, with national championships and players in the world finals from over 40 countries.

World Amateur Golfers Championship (WAGC) inspires amateur golfers from around the world to take on the challenge of competing within their own skill levels by receiving the same status as the professionals and elite do with the proud feeling of representing their country in a world championship final.

National Championships –> WAGC World Final: 5 national flight winners compete in the world final individually and as a team.

The tournament begins as a national championship in countries around the world where the winners from five handicap flights in each country becomes National Champions of their flight and represents their national team as well as individually within their flights. The flights are: 0 – 5.4, 5.5 – 10.4, 10.5 – 15.4, 15.5 – 20.4 and 20.5 – 25.4

The world final is played over 72 holes (like professional PGA tournaments) with handicap adjustments between each round.

World  World Final 2023 Finals 2023 - Eindrücke

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